JFC Impact Awards
This recognition was established to honor select individuals who embody, promote, and advance the mission of the clinic through their volunteering, partnership, or other commitment to the JFC! Recipients are honored at our annual gala.
2024 Impact Awardees
Dr. Danny Burgess
Talk Therapy
One of the unmet needs of our patients was talk therapy, a way to help them through the challenges and stressors of life. Dr. Burgess not only helped start this clinic at JFC, but, since its inception, has come to the clinic every month after-hours and seen over 50 appointments. Each patient who walks out of their appointment tells us how much better they feel and improvements they’ve been able to make with Dr Burgess’ help and guidance.
Dr. Paul Sheffield
Family Medicine
In November of 2022, Paul Sheffield came to visit the clinic. When he excitedly agreed to volunteer with us, we had no idea the impact that he would have. Dr. Sheffield is constantly dedicating his free time to JFC. You can find him in the clinic teaching students, chatting with patients, or draining abscesses. He is a favorite among patients and students, alike, and we are so lucky for his dedication to medical care at the JFC!
the grace place
Galloway United Methodist Church
Grace Place is an outreach ministry run by the Galloway United Methodist Church in Jackson. They provide the unhoused Jackson community with a warm breakfast four days of the week and access to food, hygiene, and social resources. They have recruited us to provided health screenings and educational presentations to their community members. There is an air of welcome when we walk in for our monthly sessions. From the security guards greeting us with a smile and helping with set up to Reverend Till making sure everything is running smoothly for us, you can tell they support our efforts in promoting health awareness and providing continuity of care for our unhoused and vulnerable communities.
2023 Impact Awardees
Dr. Elizabeth Lutz
UMMC Obestrics and Gynecology
Women’s health services at JFC have exploded and it’s all due to Dr. Lutz’s "say yes" mindset. She's helped us increase Pap testing for cervical cancer, expand services to include endometrial biopsies for workup of AUB and placement of IUDs (contraception that is as effective as getting your tubes tied!), and increase our screening mammogram rate by over 133%! These services would be inaccessible to our patients without the work of Dr. Lutz. She truly embodies the spirit of service and equity at JFC.
Dr. Dustyn Baker
UMMC Psychiatry and Human Behavior
Dr. Dustyn Baker has been with the Psychiatry Clinic at JFC since its inception in 2016 during his fourth year of medical school. The continuity of care he provides and the relationships he’s built with our patients are simply inspiring. Without him showing up to nearly every Psychiatry Clinic day we’ve had for the past six years, there wouldn’t be a psychiatry services at JFC. These patients wouldn’t get the care they need, the students wouldn’t get the experience, and the clinic just wouldn't be complete. His involvement at Jackson Free Clinic has been life-changing for the patients and for the students who are fortunate enough to work with him.
Mr. Reginald Wiggins
Director of Stewpot Opportunity Center Day Shelter
Reggie has served as the Director of Stewpot’s Opportunity Center over the past year. He has worked tirelessly to provide a safe and welcoming environment for unhoused individuals in our community, while also serving as one of the biggest advocates and partners for JFC Outreach. We have loved working with him to host health screenings and more with the OC! We are truly grateful for Reggie's partnership and the impact he has had on our patients, and we are honored to present him with this well-deserved award.
2022 Impact Awardees
Dr. Shannon Pittman
UMMC Family Medicine
Dr. Shannon Pittman has shown dedication to the Jackson Free Clinic in her role as Chair of the UMMC Family Medicine Department by prioritizing resident and attending participation in the operations of the free clinic as part of the residency curriculum, by volunteering frequently as an on-site attending, and empowering students to complete quality improvement projects to improve overall patient care at the JFC. We thank Dr. Pittman and the Department of Family Medicine for their continued support!
Dr. Calvin Thigpen
UMMC Internal Medicine
Dr. Calvin Thigpen has shown his consistent support of the Jackson Free Clinic in his role as the Program Director for the UMMC Internal Medicine Residency by prioritizing resident and attending participation in the operations of the free clinic as part of the residency curriculum and supporting educational initiatives related to patient care at the JFC. We thank Dr. Thigpen and the Department of Internal Medicine for their continued support!
Luis Espinoza
Mississippi Immigrants Rights Alliance
Mr. Luis Espinoza has shown relentless dedication to improving the access to critical medical, legal, and social resources of Hispanic and immigrant members of his community and communities throughout the state of Mississippi through his work with Mississippi Immigrant Rights Alliance (MIRA). Mr. Espinoza fostered and championed the relationship with the JFC that has grown exponentially since its inception, providing access for thousands of immigrants to the services offered by the JFC. We look forward to continuing our partnership with MIRA for years to come!​​​​